英文雑誌 "Japonesia Review"No.3


(武藤一羊/"Japonesia Review"共同編集責任者)
MUTO ICHIYO ("Japonesia Review" co-editor)
[Editorial Overview] The July Election: A Fatal Blow to Abe and the
Abe Doctrine

(渡辺 治/一ツ橋大学教授・憲法学者)
WATANABE OSAMU (Professor at Hitotsubashi University)
Characteristics of Neoliberalism in Japan -- Late Start and
Different Modality

(伊藤 みどり/女性ユニオン東京)
ITO MIDORI (Active Center for Working Women)
Women's Trade Union Movement in Japan -- from Margin to the Making of
the Action Center

(藤原 千沙/岩手大学准教授・社会政策比較研究者)
(Associate professor at Iwate University)
Single Mothers, Paid Work, and Educational Attainment
in Contemporary Japan

(尾上 浩二/DPI日本会議)
ONOUE KOJI (the Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples' International)
"The Law for Supporting Independence of Persons with Disabilities"
as a Reform under Neoliberalism -- With a Brief history of Japanese
Disabilities Right Movements

(鎌田 慧/フリーランスライター)
KAMATA SATOSHI (Free-lance writer)
A Country of Free Labor -- Young Workers Deprived of Hope

(橋本 健二/武蔵大学教授・社会学者)
HASHIMOTO KENJI (Professor at Musashi University)
Neoliberalism, Civilian Control, and Public Education

(成澤 宗男/『週間金曜日』記者)
NARUSAWA MUNEO (Writer of "Shukan Kinyobi")
Japan's Deceptive Business World -- Advocating Revision of the Peace
Constitution and "Patriotism"

(杉原 浩司/核とミサイル防衛にNo!キャンペーン)
SUGIHARA KOJI (a member of Do Not Produce and Sell Armed Weapons)
Emerging "Military-Industrial Complex" in Japan -- Missile Defense
and Arms Race in Outer Space

(田中 利幸/広島平和研究所)
YUKI TANAKA (Professor at Hiroshima Peace Institute)
>From Hiroshima --Bombers and the American Popular Imagination in
World War II

TESSA MORRIS-SUZUKI (Professor at Australian National University)
Japan's "Comfort Women"-- It's Time for the Truth (in the Ordinary,
Everyday Sense of the Word)

『沖縄2007年:強まるヤマト政府との対立』(山口 響/ピープルズ・
YAMAGUCHI HIBIKI (People's Plan Study Group, Asian Peace Alliance [APA]
A Sharpened Confrontation with the Tokyo Government Features Okinawa
in 2007

(エクアドル)に参加して』(安次冨 浩/ヘリ基地反対協、平良 夏芽/命
を守る会、高里 鈴代/沖縄 基地軍隊を許さない行動する女たちの会)

ASHITOMI HIROSHI (Conference Opposing U.S. Heliport Construction);
TAIRA NATSUME (Citizens Coalition for Peace);
TAKAZATO SUZUYO (Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence).
Voices from Okinawa Reached the World at the Historical Momentum of the
Worldwide Anti-Military Bases Movement